Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rubik's Cube - Top "Geek" product 10% off through 1/30/09

My favorite "Geek" product. Great for computer companies, websites, and companies that just want to be freaking cool. Looking for a way to put it to use? How about getting your employees excited about a product launch, and then also using them for hand outs at trade shows. How about a cool mailing to top partners/resellers? Just a few ideas to get you thinking. How would it work best for your organization?

The original Rubik’s® Cube, a stimulation puzzle that has captivated people worldwide since it was first introduced in 1980. The Rubik’s® Cube is known to have “43 quintillion” possible moves, yet only one solution.
Qty. Price
75 $6.59
200 $6.34
400 $6.09

• SETUP CHARGE: $55.00 (G) per color. Exact repeat $25.00 (G).
• SIZE: 2 ¼" cube.
• COLORS: Multi color.
• COPY: 1 color on 5/8" sq. on each of nine tiles or 2" sq. on the white panel. Imprinting available on any other color panel. Yellow panel contains the Rubik’s® logo.
• ADD’L COLORS: .55 (G) ea. running charge per color. Max. colors depends on artwork.
• ABS MINIMUM: 38, $55.00 (G) add’l charge.
• WEIGHT: 32 lbs/100. PACKING: Gift Box.
• FOB: Prime Line; CT 06610. (3C)
Additional Charges May Apply

Now, for one week only, you can get these Rubik's Cubes for 10% off. Order on or before 1/30/2009. Call me for details 801.592.1101.

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