Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tradeshow Specials

It's tradeshow season!

Promotional products are a great way to make your product or service remembered long after the show is over.  Give your customers and prospective customers something to remember you by.

I know that times are tough and budgets are tight.  Lucky for you we have hundreds of products on sale 10-50% off during the month of February.

Here are just a few items on sale:
- Bags
- Pens
- Calendars
- Stress Relievers
- Bandage Dispensers
- Notepads
- Business Card Magnets (and other shapes as well)
- Executive Business Toys and Games
- Mugs 
- Waterbottles
- Balloons
- Mints

In addition to discounts, we are working with some suppliers to provide you with BOGOs (buy one get one free).  BIC has jumped on board and has four pens with this promotion.

I'd love to help you find the right product to fit your company or current marketing campaign!

Request an idea catalog here, or set up a time to meet with me on the phone or in person.   Anyone who schedules a time to meet with me will receive my Tradeshow Survival Kit (which includes some of our most popular products).  Call it whatever you want - I'm trying to make our meeting worth your while.  Schedule today by giving me a call at 592.1101 (area code 801) or email me at michelle at doodadspromotional dot com.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

ASI Study Shows Value of Ad Specialties Vs. Traditional Media

ASI recently released a study that they commissioned over the summer which shows, among other things, that promotional products are more cost effective than traditional forms of advertising (TV, radio, and print).

The study concluded that ad specialty products’ cost per impression is $0.004. That is 4 tenths of a penny for each time the item is used and the “advertisement” is seen.

Comparing this to Nielsen Media data shows that the cost per impression is below that of
- TV ($0.006-$0.019)
- Radio ($0.005)
- Newspaper ($0.0129)
- National magazine ads ($0.033)

Another interesting find is that among wearables, bags were reported to be used most often by the end user at an average of 9 times per month. They also deliver the most impression with an average of 1,038 per month. That means your logo and/or message is seen over 1,000 times a month by the end user or others.

Other interesting results include:·
- 84% of people remember the advertiser on the product they receive·
- 42% have a more favorable impression of the advertiser after receiving a product·
- 62% have done business with the advertiser after receiving the product·
- 24% are more likely to do business with the advertiser on the items they receive·
- 81% of promotional products were kept because they were considered useful

I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a balanced marketing effort, but here are a few statistics to consider as you evaluate where and how promotional products should be part of your marketing and event planning. I've seen a lot of customers cut out promotional products recently in an effort to cut back. We're all making cut backs, one way or another, in our businesses. Perhaps finding cheaper spiffs is the answer, instead of eliminating them all together from your marketing mix.

Please let me know how I can help you with your marketing needs for 2009. It's going to be a great year. Different than we had hoped maybe, but we'll make it!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rubik's Cube - Top "Geek" product 10% off through 1/30/09

My favorite "Geek" product. Great for computer companies, websites, and companies that just want to be freaking cool. Looking for a way to put it to use? How about getting your employees excited about a product launch, and then also using them for hand outs at trade shows. How about a cool mailing to top partners/resellers? Just a few ideas to get you thinking. How would it work best for your organization?

The original Rubik’s® Cube, a stimulation puzzle that has captivated people worldwide since it was first introduced in 1980. The Rubik’s® Cube is known to have “43 quintillion” possible moves, yet only one solution.
Qty. Price
75 $6.59
200 $6.34
400 $6.09

• SETUP CHARGE: $55.00 (G) per color. Exact repeat $25.00 (G).
• SIZE: 2 ¼" cube.
• COLORS: Multi color.
• COPY: 1 color on 5/8" sq. on each of nine tiles or 2" sq. on the white panel. Imprinting available on any other color panel. Yellow panel contains the Rubik’s® logo.
• ADD’L COLORS: .55 (G) ea. running charge per color. Max. colors depends on artwork.
• ABS MINIMUM: 38, $55.00 (G) add’l charge.
• WEIGHT: 32 lbs/100. PACKING: Gift Box.
• FOB: Prime Line; CT 06610. (3C)
Additional Charges May Apply

Now, for one week only, you can get these Rubik's Cubes for 10% off. Order on or before 1/30/2009. Call me for details 801.592.1101.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Startup Princess Luncheon - Friday Jan. 23rd

As a member of Startup Princess, I'm happy to advertise the following event. I will be there and I look forward to meeting and networking with women entrepreneurs on Friday. I hope to see you there!

Join us on Friday, January 23rd for a Startup Princess Lunch. Come network with other women entrepreneurs and hear three great mini presentations from our speakers:

Tara MacCausland, owner of Joy Quest Consulting, is a life coach with enthusiasm and spunk and she'll be there to help us get control of our lives for 2009. Feeling hurried, harried, and completely out of balance? Learn how to make T.I.M.E. work for you, not against you. With T.I.M.E., you can achieve the life balance you desire, helping you to be all you can be in your personal and professional life.

Vicki Winterton, owner of Organizing Mind Over Matter, is a professional organizer and is the woman to know. Do you have places and paper in your house that need to be tackled so that you can improve your productivity? Vicki will be here to speak on how to get a handle on your paper and personal and professional space so that you can improve productivity and efficiency in your day.

Tina Beck, owner of Professional Accounting Solutions, is a money savvy maven and just what we need in today's shaky financial times. To address these timely concerns, Tina will be speaking on 'Building a Strong Business Foundation in Today's Economy'. With the Financial D-Day Lurking on every doorstep, it's important to learn how to protect yourself.


Date: Friday, January 23rd, 2009

Time: Noon to 2 PM

Where: Provo City Library at Academy Square, 550 North University Avenue, Provo Utah - 3rd Floor

Cost: $25 (please pay via Paypal to kelly at startupprincess dot com)

If you would like to pay via check, please call Michelle at 801.592.1101.
RSVPs and Paypal payments are due by Wednesday, January 21st.
A tasty lunch from Kneaders will be provided. Dessert will be provided by Cupcake Chic

Startup Princess is an organization for women entrepreneurs everywhere to network, learn, share, and mentor one another. We offer helpful resources and materials in one central location that will aid women entrepreneurs in starting or continuing their venture. We sponsor conferences and events to provide opportunities for interaction and networking, plus business discussion. When possible we aim to support mom entrepreneurs and are sensitive to nursing and new moms, infants are always welcome.If you would like to receive information about future events, please register with your email address at!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tweet Up During Sundance Film Festival - Don't Miss It!

Social Hat and Startup Princess are teaming up for a great charity event in Park City.
Date: THURSDAY, January 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Place: 3rd floor of the Legacy Lodge, Park City, UT*
Theme: Charity Tweetup (see below)
For more details go here.
In addition to the opportunity to chat with friends and collegues you twitter with, there will be a 20-minute panel presentation on ‘Creating Value For Your Social Audience‘.
Panelists include:
$5 cost for admission goes straight to charity (you will be able to vote during the night as to which Utah organization is most deserving).
We hope you can come! (and retweet it!)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Product Spotlight - Eco Friendly Messenger Bag

This product is one of my favorite new products for 2009.  It's hip, imprintable, and Eco-Friendly.

Made with organic cotton and a coconut button enclosure, this bag has a large zippered pocket and comes in your choice of colors.

Quantity   Price
50              $9.99 each
250   $9.49 each
500           $8.99 each

Screen charge $50.00 per color, per location.  $.50 each per additional color.  3 colors max.  Additional charges may apply.

Interested in this or other new products for 2009?  Give me a call at 801.592.1101 or request a copy of our 2009 idea book here.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

431 Promotional Products with a 24 Hour Turnaround

Yesterday I had the opportunity to look for some items that can be produced in a REALLY quick turn around.  I found Norwood, one of my preferred suppliers, who has a list of 431 items that can be produced with a one color imprint in 24 hours WITHOUT ADDITIONAL RUSH CHARGES.

Now, it's important to note that shipping time and cost is not included, as the 24 hour turnaround applies to production only.  However, when a lot of items are typically 1-3 week turnaround, this is a GREAT timeline for quick needs and perhaps last minute event needs.

They have a wide variety of items so check them out here.  Golf balls, piggy banks, pens, key chains, mugs, stress relievers, etc.  

As always, let me know if you have any questions.  I look forward to helping you with your promotional products needs.  If you would like a copy of the 2009 Idea Catalog, go here.